CIF: J82441395
PHONE: +34 91 4430811
General information and identification of the owner of the website: is the website of the firm CORTIZO Abogados S.C.P., with C.I.F. J82441395, address at Calle Pinar, 5. 28006 Madrid and general email address
The purpose of the website is to provide citizens, potential clients and clients of the firm with information regarding the activities and services offered by the CORTIZO Abogados office, as well as to provide information that may be of interest.
The partners of CORTIZO Abogados are the lawyers, members of the Madrid Bar Association; Mr. Víctor Cortizo Rodriguez (member number 58963) and Mr. Álvaro Rey Riveiro (member number 82313). The professional performance of the lawyers is governed, singularly, by the Spanish Statute of the Spanish Law (R.D. 658/2001), and by the Deontological Codes of the Spanish Law and of the Law of the European Union.
Terms of use
With this website, CORTIZO Abogados intends to provide a useful service, so the suggestions of the users are welcome. But if you do not agree with any of the conditions contained in this notice, you must stop using the website. Access to it implies acceptance of them without reservations. The conditions established below regulate the permitted use of the website
1. Access
Access to this web page is public.
2. Changes to the page and interruptions or errors in access reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained on the website, the configuration and presentation of this and the access conditions.
3. Contents and linked pages
The information contained on this website is purely informative and, in no case, constitutes legal advice. The policy of the firm is to try to ensure that the contents are always updated, but it may happen that they are not.
The function of the links, or links, that appear on this page is exclusively to inform users and customers about the existence of other sources of information on the subject on the Internet, where you can expand or complete the information offered on this page . CORTIZO Abogados will not be responsible for the results obtained through these links.
In any case CORTIZO Abogados does not assume responsibility derived from the contents linked from its website, nor can it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may produce alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), in documents or user files, excluding any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.
Although the links are regularly monitored so that it does not happen, in the case that any user or a third party, considers that the content or services provided by the linked pages are illegal, violate constitutional values or principles, or damage property or rights of the owner user or a third party is requested to communicate immediately to this circumstance, and especially if the links consist of:
-Activities or contents susceptible to be considered criminal according to Spanish criminal law.
-Activities or contents that violate intellectual or industrial property rights.
-Activities or contents that endanger public order, criminal investigation, public security and national defense.
-Activities or contents that endanger the protection of public health, respect for the dignity of the person, the principle of non-discrimination, the protection of health and childhood or any other value or constitutional principle.
4. Protection of personal data
The personal data linked to this website respect the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation and the current legislation and regulations on the protection of personal data.
CORTIZO Abogados will process the personal data collected through this website in compliance with the regulations of the General Data Protection Regulations and the current Spanish regulations on data protection. Thus the submission of data by the interested parties is absolutely voluntary and is duly announced.
In particular, the data provided through the website will be treated for the management of the contact or the consultation carried out, and where appropriate, if the professional assignment, professional, administrative, accounting and tax management of the assignment takes place, as the file of records.
Legitimation of treatment
The legitimacy of the processing of your data is the consent you provide by sending the contact form or the query. If a professional assignment occurs, the legitimation of the treatment will be the contractual relationship established with and the fulfillment of the professional and legal obligations derived from it.
Data communications
The data derived from contact and consultation will not be communicated to third parties. In the event that a professional order is subsequently made, the personal data provided by the client may be communicated in the briefs and in the documents attached to them to the Courts and Tribunals or, where applicable, Public Administrations, for compliance of the commission entrusted, as well as to attorneys, experts and other professionals who should intervene or be convenient to intervene.
Rights of the interested parties
Any person has the right to obtain confirmation about whether CORTIZO Abogados deals with personal data that concerns him, or not. Interested persons have the right to access their personal data and to obtain a copy of the personal data that is the object of the treatment, to update them, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons , the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Under certain circumstances provided for in Article 18 RGPD, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. As a consequence of the application of the right to suppress or oppose the processing of personal data in the online environment, the interested parties have the right to be forgotten according to the jurisprudence of the EU Court of Justice. Those interested may object to the processing of their data for marketing purposes.
You can exercise your rights:
-By email addressed to:
-Data Protection Officer is: GRUPO ADAPTALIA LEGAL - FORMATIVO S.L.
-Contact Data Protection Officer: 91 553 34 08 -
5. Intellectual Property
The intellectual property rights of the articles published by the firm are their authors.
6. Responsibilities
CORTIZO Abogados will not be, in any case, responsible for the damages of any kind derived, directly or indirectly, from the failure to read this notice, or from the breach of the obligations specified in the conditions established therein. Likewise, in accordance with the foregoing in these conditions, CORTIZO Abogados excludes any liability for damages of any nature that, beyond its effective control, may be due to the transmission, dissemination, storage, making available, receiving, obtaining or access to the website or its contents.
The articles and opinions of the blog, by their generality, cannot constitute legal advice.
7. Applicable law
The present Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its extremes by Spanish law and by the General Regulation of data protection (RGPD).